Saturday 9 May 2009

A new complication for COSMOSIS

Star Trek. the new film, I had overlooked that this film was going to be resleased around the same time as COSMOSIS ANd i hadnt considered the implifications that this might have on the success of COSMOSIS becasue the hole premisal of COSMOSIS in the first place was to take the basic premisal of Star Trek to the next level so Im hoping that the new Star Trek wont of desaturated my audience.
do not fear I think it will be ok. I saw the new star trek film last night and i have to say that I was impressed but in an ignorant way. I felt like my eyes were taken on a voyage but my mind was left behind. it wasnt as shit as starwars but it was heading in the direction of mindless special effects instead of deep philosophical issues and psyche voyages. its as shame becasue this is the first star trek film that i was old enougfh to of directed myself and its bad that they overlooked me in favour of mindless mainstream filmmakers. oh well theres always next time and especailly after the sucess of COSMOSIS i wont get overlookd agen. 
anyway the point is that there will be lots of star trek fans who will feel a bit cheated like I did and they will be my audeinece of COSMOSIS. COSMOSIS will give them the deep philosophical mind enhancing radical experience that they wont get from star trek.
also they havnt got a fucking clue how time travel really works and they shat all over gene roddenberrys vision but i still quite liked it a bit and they did a good job with the shit material.
by the way tell everyone you now about COSMOSIS if you havnt already
the wait is nearly over
Live long and film make

Tuesday 28 April 2009


things are alot better now COSMOSIS is looking fucking incredible i cant wait to see the look on hu and sues faces when they see it. I havent seen my so called "crew members" for weeks which is a good thing because i have been able to focus all of my mind energy into manifestating COSMOSIS into the vision that I originaly invisioned. COSMOSIS has actually taken itself beyond what I orginally invisioned sometimes my mind creations go off on a voyage of there own beyond the bounds of my consciuous mind and all i can do is let the energy flow and see where I am taken. The final section of COSMOSIS is turning out to be the most radical thought provoking mind enhancing peice of visual art that ive ever created and remember i made PSYCHE PROBE. cinema has never been taken to these places before and I can tell you one thing theres no fucking way my group are going to be taking any fucking credit for it they can fuck off. This is really an exciting time for me and an ecxiting time for you asswell just be patient its nearly done and it will be worth the wait beleive me.
oh by the way i've spoken to the documentary people and Ive agreed that they can make the documenatry but as long as i am overseeing it so that they dont try to make me look bad because of jealousy. also there going to film an interview of me to put in the documentary so that i can get across my side of the story and tell everyone what really happened.
Live long and prosper 

Saturday 14 March 2009

My darkest hour

Last week was a bad week for COSMOSIS. at times i came close to questioning my faith in filmmaking and definitly my faith in this university and its students and so called "staff". i already knew that I am the only student who truly beleives in pushing the boundrys of cinema but I had no idea that there are people who actually want to DESTROY my visions and art. Jealousy no doubt. jealousy and apeathy and stupidness, basically what society is today. first off my so called "crew" try to shit all over my vision when we were supposed to be filming the final parts of COSMOSIS they were rude disrespectfull and stupid, nothing I cant handle, but then they have the absolute nerve to walk out on ME. thats right THEY walked out on ME. cheeky bastards they were lucky I didnt fire THEM!!!!!! The documentary crew were there that day but they definitly wont be making there documentary now because they didnt capture me the way i shoud of been, the documentary was supposed to inspire you all but instead it will depress you at the depths that people will sink to to destroy art. plus the documentary people would probably edit it so that it looks like I was to blame because theyve got it in for me asswell so you can forget about the documentary.
Anyway to add insult to injury the next day I had to show COSMOSIS as a work in progress to Su and HUw for a summative assessment and they laughed all the way through it. thats right LAUGHED. obviously i didnt expect them to understand all the deep philosophic issues and i knew that they wouldnt be able to accept my radical techniqes but i really was absoulutely disgusted by how rude and stupid and closed minded they were, they were so bad that they even had me questioning my own talents as a film maker. thats right ME questioning my own TALENTS as a FILMMAKWER. 
obviously as soon as i left the room i remembered that there just part of the system and it is there job to make sure that radical talent and visions like mine are crushed before their preciouse system crumbles under there feet. obviously this just made me more determind to make COSMOSIS the best film ive ever made so that i can laugh in THEIR faces. 
I realise now that i cant rely on anyone but myself. although last week was my darkest week it is also my best week because now that i will have to finish COSMOSIS without my so called "crew" it will be much better becasue they wont be around to fuch it up and i will be free to innotvate cinematic language in order to fully manifestate my vision. i dont need a crew. I dont need actors, I dont need tutors, i dont need a university. I just need me and the infinite possibilitys of my mind
thank you

Monday 19 January 2009

a great moment for student filmaking

just to let you know that ive been asked by some second years if they can make a documentary about me. at first i was a bit sceptical about it becasue Im so busy but then i thought that I owe this to the student filmaker population who should take great inspiration from seeing my creative prosess for themselves on the screen. the documentary will be a fly on the wall style thing that will show me in action in both preproduction and proproduction stages of my current film COSMOSIS. OBVIously Ive already started filming COSMOSIS But i've still got some planning and shooting left to do and they will capture these rare moments on camera. If your mind is closed then you might be disturbed by my unorthadox and radical creative methods but Im hoping that the documentary will inspire you and open your mind to the posibillitys of film making.
untill next time
I depart

Monday 22 December 2008

Trailer for Cosmosis

Everyones been constantly hasseling me about my new film COSMOSIS so ive created a trailer for it just to get you all off my backs.
Just to let you know i have started filming, ive filmed a very intense battle scene and the scenes in the bridge of the INTERGALACTIC STAR VOYAGER. I play the captain of the INTERGALACTIC STAR VOYAGER Captain Jeff Zontavius, hes a heroic leader but with a dark and troubled past. other characters include Zeus of the falcorene race, a race of highly evolved birdlike creatures who cant feel emotion or pain. Protozoid X24Z3000 is a semi robotic/semi organic creature/robot of the Bionoid race. Melk is basically just your average alien from the planet Lymos. Polly is an attractive blond human who is Captain Jeff Zontavius's love interest but most of the time he is too professional to heed her advances. The costumes will be cheap but also really beleivable and realistic at the same time aswell, its all about being resourceful and economical, the trailer will show you how good the costumes are. The interior of the INTERGALACTIC STAR VOYAGER will be filmed in Martys kitchen but we'll do loads of stuff to it to make it look really futuristic and spacelike, you wont even know its a kitchen. the main compunction is to make the film look as realistic and authentic and like a real sci fi film as plausible with the limited budget that we have as student film makers. I have used laser effects and greenscreen to create the futuristic universe of the film without resorting to george lucas sized budgets. You will see these techniques in the trailer.
I hope my trailer will inspire you all to get off your asses and go out there and make some mind blowing films (i doubt it but you never no)
Im far too busy to be writing this shit so I will now depart
Goodbye and good film making

Thursday 6 November 2008

Psyche Probe - a glimpse of my past achievements

My fans have been telling me that I should post links to some of my past works so that you can get an insight into how my mind works and what my whole vibe is. I kind of assumed that you all would of already seen my films but thinking about it its possible that some of the more ignorant ones havent been fortunate enough to of experienced my work before. think yourselves lucky you get to experience my visions for the first time. i envy you. I must warn you though before you take the plunge that my films are unlike anything you will of experienced before you need to open you're mind and disengard any preceptions that you have about what a film should be and what reality is. youre mind might melt but dont think of that as a bad thing.
The film that I will guide you to is called PSYCHE PROBE. The general consensas is that it was my first true masterpiece and it is presented here along with interviews with me which give you an unpresidentially intimate insight into my mind, my art and my art.
The link is this (by the way its in three parts so that your mind gets a chance to regenerate inbetween the sections)

Thursday 23 October 2008

Cosmosis, my vision

Greetings my people
This is where you will get a unique insight into my mind and my visions. My fans have been demanding that I set up a blog for ages now but I've been far too busy creating dreams and challenging perceptions, plus the big hollywood seven have been after me proposing all these projects that they want me to do. I dont think I'll take them up on it because my visions need to be pure and from my heart, not filtered through the profit hungry production companies who choose money over art. when my profile as filmmaker gets big enough i might go over there and rearragne it so that the true auteurs and visionaries get to make their visions the way they want to but untill then they can fuck off
Anyway the purpose of this blog is to tell you about my latest vision...


the basic premisal is that its a science fiction film set 300000 light years in the future in another galaxy. It will be in the veign of Star Trek but much more pyscologically deep and probing into the mind of the characters. This has never been done before by a student so I feel that it is my duty to pioneer this genre as a student filmmaker. I feel like I am the only one of us who has an original vision because the rest of you have been brainwashed by the system and don't know how to be creative and revolutionary like me. This blog is therefore designed to inspire you all and give you hope that it is possible to create spectacular visions that transport the viewer through space and time and alter there perceptions of reality.
Ill keep you updated as the dream unfolds
(I dont want loads of requests from people to be in my film, Ive got enougf in my mind to deal with)