Anyway to add insult to injury the next day I had to show COSMOSIS as a work in progress to Su and HUw for a summative assessment and they laughed all the way through it. thats right LAUGHED. obviously i didnt expect them to understand all the deep philosophic issues and i knew that they wouldnt be able to accept my radical techniqes but i really was absoulutely disgusted by how rude and stupid and closed minded they were, they were so bad that they even had me questioning my own talents as a film maker. thats right ME questioning my own TALENTS as a FILMMAKWER.
obviously as soon as i left the room i remembered that there just part of the system and it is there job to make sure that radical talent and visions like mine are crushed before their preciouse system crumbles under there feet. obviously this just made me more determind to make COSMOSIS the best film ive ever made so that i can laugh in THEIR faces.
I realise now that i cant rely on anyone but myself. although last week was my darkest week it is also my best week because now that i will have to finish COSMOSIS without my so called "crew" it will be much better becasue they wont be around to fuch it up and i will be free to innotvate cinematic language in order to fully manifestate my vision. i dont need a crew. I dont need actors, I dont need tutors, i dont need a university. I just need me and the infinite possibilitys of my mind
thank you