Saturday 9 May 2009

A new complication for COSMOSIS

Star Trek. the new film, I had overlooked that this film was going to be resleased around the same time as COSMOSIS ANd i hadnt considered the implifications that this might have on the success of COSMOSIS becasue the hole premisal of COSMOSIS in the first place was to take the basic premisal of Star Trek to the next level so Im hoping that the new Star Trek wont of desaturated my audience.
do not fear I think it will be ok. I saw the new star trek film last night and i have to say that I was impressed but in an ignorant way. I felt like my eyes were taken on a voyage but my mind was left behind. it wasnt as shit as starwars but it was heading in the direction of mindless special effects instead of deep philosophical issues and psyche voyages. its as shame becasue this is the first star trek film that i was old enougfh to of directed myself and its bad that they overlooked me in favour of mindless mainstream filmmakers. oh well theres always next time and especailly after the sucess of COSMOSIS i wont get overlookd agen. 
anyway the point is that there will be lots of star trek fans who will feel a bit cheated like I did and they will be my audeinece of COSMOSIS. COSMOSIS will give them the deep philosophical mind enhancing radical experience that they wont get from star trek.
also they havnt got a fucking clue how time travel really works and they shat all over gene roddenberrys vision but i still quite liked it a bit and they did a good job with the shit material.
by the way tell everyone you now about COSMOSIS if you havnt already
the wait is nearly over
Live long and film make