Thursday 23 October 2008

Cosmosis, my vision

Greetings my people
This is where you will get a unique insight into my mind and my visions. My fans have been demanding that I set up a blog for ages now but I've been far too busy creating dreams and challenging perceptions, plus the big hollywood seven have been after me proposing all these projects that they want me to do. I dont think I'll take them up on it because my visions need to be pure and from my heart, not filtered through the profit hungry production companies who choose money over art. when my profile as filmmaker gets big enough i might go over there and rearragne it so that the true auteurs and visionaries get to make their visions the way they want to but untill then they can fuck off
Anyway the purpose of this blog is to tell you about my latest vision...


the basic premisal is that its a science fiction film set 300000 light years in the future in another galaxy. It will be in the veign of Star Trek but much more pyscologically deep and probing into the mind of the characters. This has never been done before by a student so I feel that it is my duty to pioneer this genre as a student filmmaker. I feel like I am the only one of us who has an original vision because the rest of you have been brainwashed by the system and don't know how to be creative and revolutionary like me. This blog is therefore designed to inspire you all and give you hope that it is possible to create spectacular visions that transport the viewer through space and time and alter there perceptions of reality.
Ill keep you updated as the dream unfolds
(I dont want loads of requests from people to be in my film, Ive got enougf in my mind to deal with)